Pavement Maintenance
After the first year of asphalt being installed, ensuring it withstands wear and tear is essential. It is necessary to see if you have cracks, minor concaves, or crumbling occurring to take preventative action. Solutions include crack fill, asphalt sealant, or patching a heavily trafficked area. Cali State Paving is equipped to handle the mentioned remedies and much more.

Cali State Paving offers Seal coating to help you protect your asphalt so that it can last longer and continue to make your business shine. The benefits of a seal coat are not just cosmetic, it also protects the chemical composition of the asphalt, ensuring its projected lifespan.

Having a fair number of parking stalls is not only to maximize the number of patrons visiting your business, but also to ensure you follow your city ordinances. Moreover, depending on your city's mandates, restriping a parking lot is mandatory to ensure traffic flow and pedestrians' safety.

Crack Fill
Crack fill is a guranteed method to ensure that your asphalt is protected from water, oil, and other chemicals that contribute to the deterioration of your asphalt. As visible through the pictures, crack filler is a topical solution and only protects the damaged area. If the pavement is already suffering from other ailments, applying a seal coat on top of the crack filler is a great way to keep the integrity of the pavement sound. Before making any decision, it is recommended to have a professional inspect your pavement, so contact Cali State Paving to ensure the longevity of your investment.

Asphalt Overlay
If not severely damaged, an asphalt overlay is paved on top of the existing pavement. The positive aspect of an overlay is that it can be done fairly quickly; it is a sure way of protecting the existing pavement, and it serves as a barrier to heavy traffic. The negative is that it can only be done twice before it becomes too thick, making your sidewalk a trip hazard if it does not meet the 4-in. rule. Although it seems like an easy fix, it is important to have a professional assess if this solution is what your pavement needs.