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ADA Compliance

As legislation is constantly changing, keeping your pavement up to date is essential to avoid any liability. Whether you need a new sidewalk, ramp, truncated dome, or ADA-compliant striping, Cali State Paving delivers a quality solution to ensure your business follows all ADA-Mandates. 

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ADA-Compliant Grading

ADA parking stalls are dictated to be a certain length and width to comply with federal ADA laws. Even if your parking lot was constructed with this in mind, wear and tear, changes, and mandates can make your parking lot a liability. One of the most common infractions is the grade level of a parking stall, as it should not exceed 2%. At Cali State Paving, we can grade your pavement to meet these mandates so you may avoid any altercations.  

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ADA-Compliant Ramps

Ramps may seem like a no-brainer to construct, but with mandates being changed, some ramps can be liabilities. For instance, a ramp must include a place where the slope levels before rising so someone in a wheelchair can get situated without risking their safety. The ramp must also follow the required grade to be ADA-Compliant. 


ADA-Compliant Striping

To be ADA-compliant, the striping that leads from the curb to the parking stall must highlight a clear path for the individual and not force them to walk or wheel behind another vehicle. Moreover, the striping must be visible to oncoming traffic in order for your business to be free of liability. If you are unsure if your business meets these mandates, call us today so we can inspect your establishments and inform you of any changes that need to be made. 

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Truncated Domes

Since 2016, an establishment's curb and sidewalk must have a truncated dome to indicate to visually impaired individuals that the curb has ended, and they are walking into traffic. Cali State Paving can install or replace any truncated dome to ensure your establishment meets all ADA mandates. 

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